Mayor Williams Announces Anti-Discrimination Executive Order
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DC Human Rights Law

GLAA on Human Rights

OHR Director Charles Holman, Councilmember Kathy Patterson, Mayor Anthony Williams, and GLAA's Craig Howell pose with executive order on non-discrimination
OHR Director Charles Holman, Councilmember Kathy Patterson, Mayor Anthony Williams,
and GLAA's Craig Howell pose with executive order on non-discrimination

Mayor Williams Announces Anti-Discrimination Executive Order

In a ceremony in his office on Tuesday, October 3, Mayor Anthony Williams announced his executive order mandating compliance by all District agencies with the DC Human Rights Act. Former GLAA President Craig Howell, who had pushed for the order after GLAA discovered that several District agencies had failed to include sexual orientation and other protected categories in their notices of non-discrimination, was commended by Mayor Williams, DC Council Government Operations Committee Chair Kathy Patterson, and OHR Director Charles Holman.

Representatives of gay, Asian, Latino, and African-American organizations attended the ceremony and posed for photographs with the Mayor, Councilmember Patterson, and Mr. Holman. In addition to Howell, gay community members participating in the ceremony included GLAA President Bob Summersgill; DC Coalition co-chair Charlotte Young; the Mayor's acting GLBT liaison, Wanda Alston; the director of the Mayor's Office of Boards and Commissions, Ronald King; DC Human Rights Commissioner Peter Schott; UDC trustee Peter Rosenstein; the founder of the District's gay rights movement, Frank Kameny; former GLAA President Rick Rosendall; and GLAA member Kevin Davis.

This Executive Order provides uniform language to be used by District agencies in all notices of non-discrimination of any kind including race, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation and all others covered in the DC Human Rights Act of 1977. The order also places monitoring authority in the Office of Human Rights as opposed to the Office of the Secretary. Howell commended the Mayor, Mrs. Patterson, and Mr. Holman for their efforts in getting the order re-issued. A similar order was originally issued in 1980 by then-Mayor Marion Barry at GLAA's urging after a similar problem of District agencies repeatedly failing to include all the protected categories in the DC Human Rights Law of 1977 in their notices of non-discrimination.

Mayor Anthony Williams and minority representatives pose with executive order on non-discrimination

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