Human Services Dept. Accepts GLAA Recommendation on Welfare-to-Work Rules
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DC Human Rights Law

GLAA on Human Rights

Human Services Dept. Accepts GLAA Recommendation on Welfare-to-Work Rules

Office of the Director
P. O. Box 54047
Washington, D.C. 20032-0247

October 26, 1999

Craig Howell
Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington
P.O. Box 75265
Washington, D.C. 20013-5265

Dear Mr. Howell:

Jesse Goode, the Department of Human Services' General Counsel, forwarded me your October 20 letter concerning the TANF State Plan.

I appreciate your taking the time to comment on the proposed State Plan and agree with you that the D.C. Human rights Act should be included in the "Non-Discrimination Assurances." I want to assure you that the reference to the D.C. Human Rights Act was inadvertently omitted and that the final State Plan which we will submit to the U.S. Department of Human Services will include the reference to the Act. The Department of Human Services is committed to operating the TANF program in accordance with all non-discrimination laws, including the D.C. Human Rights Act.

Thank you again for commenting on the proposed State Plan. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 202.698.3900.


/s/ Kate Jesberg
Income Maintenance Administration

cc: Jesse Goode

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