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Office of Citizen Complaint Review open for business
730 11th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington D.C. 20001 * 202-727-3838
Friday, January 5, 2001
Contact Person: Ms. Mai Fernandez, Chair, Citizen Complaint Review Board (CCRB)
Tel: (202) 319-2238
Washington, D.C. -- The Office of Citizen Complaint Review (OCCR) will open Monday, January 8, 2001. The District of Columbia Government established the OCCR to provide the public with an independent and impartial forum for the review and resolution of citizen complaints of misconduct by Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officers. The agency is overseen by a five-member Citizen Complaint Review Board (CCRB) appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the District Council. The OCCR, which is headed by an executive director, will begin to receive complaints from citizens on Monday, January 8.
The site of this agency is downtown near the Metro Center subway station, at 730 11th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, D.C. The main telephone number is (202) 727-3838.
The OCCR has the authority to receive and dismiss, conciliate, mediate or adjudicate citizen complaints against members of the MPD. A complaint can be filed when a citizen believes that an officer abuses or misuses police powers in such a way as to constitute: (1) harassment; (2) use of unnecessary or excessive force; (3) use of language or conduct that is insulting, demeaning or humiliating; (4) discriminatory treatment based upon a person's race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, physical handicap, matriculation, political affiliation, source of income, or place of residence or business; or (5) retaliation against a person filing a complaint with the OCCR.
Citizens can obtain complaint forms at the OCCR office and at police district stations throughout Washington, D.C. A citywide community outreach, education and information campaign is being planned to ensure that citizens of the nation's capital are aware they can address concerns arising from day-to-day interactions with the District's police force.