Current Affairs

Atlantans say Trump is wrong about their city and John Lewis

Atlantans say Trump is wrong about their city and John Lewis — AJC (@ajc) January 15, 2017 Another thing Trump just made up. He simply assumes cities where…

Marlon James on non-racist vs. anti-racist

Jamaican-born gay author Marlon James, whose novel A Brief History of Seven Killings won Britain’s Man Booker prize in 2015, discusses the difference between not being a racist and doing…

Norton slams anti-democratic congressional effort to block D.C. Death with Dignity Act

Contact: Benjamin Fritsch – o: 202-225-8050, c: 202-225-8143 January 12, 2017 Norton Blasts Lankford and Wenstrup for Introducing Bills to Block D.C.’s ‘Death with Dignity Act,’ Violating Local Control Principles…

C-SPAN broadcast interrupted by state-owned Russian TV

C-Span's online broadcast was interrupted by RT, a state-run Russian TV network — The New York Times (@nytimes) January 13, 2017 Move along, folks. Nothing to see here.

Obama surprised Biden with Presidential Medal of Freedom

What a lovely thing for the president to do, and well deserved.

Bowser and Mendelson slam undemocratic congressional effort to block Death with Dignity Act

DC Mayor Bowser & Council Chairman Phil Mendelson release statement's opposing congressmen's efforts to void local right-to-die legislation: — Andrew Giambrone (@AndrewGiambrone) January 13, 2017 Thanks to Mayor Bowser…

Keisling: "A Fight for #Obamacare Is a Fight for #LGBT Lives"

"A Fight for #Obamacare Is a Fight for #LGBT Lives" By @TransEquality's @MaraKeisling — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) January 13, 2017 Thanks, Mara!

Even after today's Nuremberg rally/News Conf., Russia will still destroy Trump because: He. Cannot. Leave It. Alone.

Even after today's Nuremberg rally/News Conf., Russia will still destroy Trump because: He. Cannot. Leave It. Alone. — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) January 12, 2017 The inimitable Keith Olbermann has…

Rep. Chaffetz plans to block D.C. Death with Dignity Act

Catholic me, recoils at ending life; Republican me, rejects big gvt meddling; human me wants right to die w/dignity. — Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) January 10, 2017 Our usual congressional…

Rep. John Lewis testifies against Sen. Jeff Sessions

A national hero and longtime pro-LGBT ally who risked his life fighting for voting rights a half century ago steps up to oppose the nomination of a man with a…