
Naff: Trump punk’d us all

Here is a portion of Blade editor Kevin Naff’s editorial on Donald Trump: The fact that Clinton isn’t leading him by 50 points says a lot about her own candidacy…

Clinton endorsed by Pride Fund to End Gun Violence

Clinton endorsed by Pride Fund to End Gun Violence https://t.co/G33zKlqhof via @washblade — Getfifi Pride (@Getfifi_Pride) September 6, 2016

WaPo Poll Shows 10 Tossup States – Including Texas

WaPo Poll of 74,000 Registered Voters Nationwide Shows 10 Tossup States – Including Texas https://t.co/9CwaCfbicd pic.twitter.com/TCIrB26n7s — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) September 7, 2016

Was Hillary’s victory prophesied?

Bible Prophecy: Pale Woman Overcomes Man-Beast in 2016 https://t.co/8PVV2Gwu96 @TheBaxterBean @deanandbek #satire pic.twitter.com/7pmwFekGs5 — The Parsnippety (@theparsnippety) September 6, 2016 This article has something in common with Trump’s reference to…

Trump raids RNC donor haul for a big pay day at Trump properties

Trump raids RNC donor haul for a big pay day at Trump properties https://t.co/kor0TQ1cJc — Daily Kos (@dailykos) September 6, 2016 I like my grifters to have better manners. But…

The cough nonsense

Gingrich starts coughing while critiquing Clinton's coughing https://t.co/hyAPXkO7tS pic.twitter.com/OtRzA2hyKr — The Hill (@thehill) September 7, 2016 When you or I cough, it’s allergy season. When it’s Hillary, people lose their…

New Polls: NBC Shows Clinton Beating Trump by 6 Points, CNN Shows Trump Beating Clinton by 2

New Polls: NBC Shows Clinton Beating Trump by 6 Points, CNN Shows Trump Beating Clinton by 2 https://t.co/d2kGLIDTza pic.twitter.com/Q27uz2RgEb — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) September 6, 2016 This is scary….

SCOTUS overturns NC’s gutting of voting rights

#NC: SCOTUS decision means voters won’t have to show one of several qualifying photo IDs; early voting reverts to 17 days, to begin Oct. 20 — Democracy NC (@democracync) August…

Latinos for Trump founder warns: "you're gonna have taco trucks on every corner"

Latinos for Trump founder @MarcoGutierrez: "you're gonna have taco trucks on every corner" #inners https://t.co/Vifo3q7Ah8 — All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) September 2, 2016 I was slack-jawed. Later in the…

RNC head Priebus claims Clinton Foundation has 80% overhead — it’s actually 12%

RNC head Priebus claims Clinton Foundation has 80% overhead — it’s actually 12% https://t.co/u8g5g4UnUW — AMERICAblog LGBT (@AMERICAblogGay) August 30, 2016