
Leave No One Behind: Building an LGBTQ+ movement for all

– GLAA Board Despite the expansion of LGBTQ+ civil rights and liberties in DC, some of which we proudly attribute to GLAA’s stalwart activism for the past 51 years, the…

Tennessee honors Nathan Bedford Forrest

I posted the following thoughts this morning to Facebook: I repost the magisterial remarks of Ta-Nehisi Coates from the hearing on H.R.40 last month because he observed, among other things,…

Overcoming an attack

On this anniversary of the terrorist attack on America on 9/11/2001, in honor of the victims, I am having a moment of TV silence by not listening to the man…

8 months later, Tess Rafferty’s scathing election response is still spot-on

I only just discovered this fine rant by Tess Rafferty this morning, July 5. It feels as timely as when she wrote it after the election. (Hat tip: Morgan McDonald)

Gay Is Good – Frank Kameny In Comics

Panel on using comics to tell history Rick Rosendall, Mattachine Society of Washington Awesome Con Washington Convention Center June 17, 2017 Frank Kameny was a Harvard-trained astronomer and a World…

JFK on civil rights, June 11, 1963

Today is the centennial of President John F. Kennedy’s birth. On June 11, 1963, President Kennedy addressed the nation from the Oval Office on the urgency of civil rights. Earlier…

For the Fallen

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in…

The Root: Violence Is Never the Answer … for Black People

Our friend Ernest Hopkins writes: Great article at the Root.com that highlights the role of violence in the struggle for race based Civil Rights and tensions that exist between intellectuals…

We can only be defeated by ourselves

Thoughts after the bombing in Manchester, England on May 22: Hitchcock’s 1936 movie “Sabotage” portrays a terrorist bombing, based on a Joseph Conrad novel set in London in 1886. There…

Frank Kameny’s birthday

Happy birthday to the late Frank Kameny, who was an astronomer before he was a gay rights pioneer. He would have been 92 today. Many others followed the course he…