Human Rights

'Seek McCartney' becomes 1st gay love film to screen

'Seek McCartney' jumps past strict censorship, becomes #China's 1st gay love film to screen — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) March 30, 2016

Happy birthday, Ernest Hopkins!

Happy birthday, Ernest Hopkins, one of the finest activists and persons I know. Many happy returns of the day. (Photo: Ernest Hopkins stands behind President Obama as he signs the…

Transgender Student Settles Locker Room Case With University Of Pittsburgh

Breaking: Transgender Student Settles Locker Room Case With University Of Pittsburgh – by @dominicholden — Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) March 29, 2016 Our friend Dana Beyer writes: Sensing they would…

Dear DC-haters: please do your homework before insulting us

@willsommer The writer is amazingly ill-informed. For one: why is it so hard to grasp that we pay federal taxes? — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

NC governor signs terrible law, then lies about it

@tlrd To do what he did and then lie about it is particularly despicable. He will soon learn a hard lesson. — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) March 29, 2016

3 Big Cities Ban Travel to North Carolina

"3 Big Cities Ban Travel to #NorthCarolina" Yes, @BilldeBlasio @MayorEdMurray @mayoredlee! — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) March 28, 2016

The Ugly Fantasy at the Heart of Anti-Trans Bathroom Bills

The Ugly Fantasy at the Heart of Anti–Trans Bathroom Bills via @thenation — Bob Witeck (@Bob_Witeck) March 28, 2016 Yep.

Louisiana governor to rescind Jindal’s anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ order

Gov. John Bel Edwards to Rescind Bobby Jindal's Horrific Anti-#Gay 'Religious Freedom' Order #p2 #lgbt #noh8 #DEM — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) March 29, 2016 Thank you, Governor.

"What You Need to Know About Anti-LGBT Laws in 60 Seconds"

"What You Need to Know About Anti-#LGBT Laws in 60 Seconds (Video)" — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) March 28, 2016

Georgia Governor Vetoes Anti-Gay 'Religious Freedom' Bill

Georgia Governor Vetoes Anti-Gay 'Religious Freedom' Bill #p2 #lgbt #gay #noh8 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) March 28, 2016