
Russian ambassador to Turkey assassinated at art exhibition in Ankara

Russia's Foreign Ministry said its ambassador shot in Turkey had died in what it called a terrorist attack — The New York Times (@nytimes) December 19, 2016 Horrifying. Well…

Tillerson’s Russian fans

Tillerson is a hit! — John Aravosis (@aravosis) December 14, 2016

Putin Directly Tied to Election Hack as Clinton ‘Vendetta’ and Trump Knew

Putin Directly Tied to Election Hack as Clinton ‘Vendetta’ and Trump Knew — Towleroad (@tlrd) December 15, 2016

Jamaican LGBT group celebrates 18th anniversary

Jamaican #LGBT group celebrates 18th anniversary. J-FLAG ED Dane Lewis writes @WashBlade op-ed @equality_JA — Michael K. Lavers (@mklavers81) December 15, 2016

Hard Candy Christmas

@WashBlade Hard Candy Christmas: It was a dark and snarky night. #Pizzagate #Pirates — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) December 15, 2016

The attacks on our ally Rep. Ellison

Here are my remarks introducing Rep. Keith Ellison as keynote speaker at the ACLU/NCA Bill of Rights Dinner in April 2013. The attacks on him now that he is running…

Trump Tower Havana

CARTOON: Trump Tower Havana — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) December 3, 2016

Anti-gay Gambian president loses re-election bid

Anti-gay Gambian president loses re-election bid — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) December 4, 2016 Good news of an early end to a promised billion-year reign.

Sen.Rubio has the gall to slam Castro’s anti-gay record

Well into the 1970s, #FidelCasto was imprisoning gays and long-haired young people in work camps. Read more here: — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) November 26, 2016 I was no fan…

Contrasting statement on Castro death by Presidents 44 and 45

Obama: History will judge Fidel Castro's "enormous impact" on Cubans — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 26, 2016 Above, a tasteful and diplomatic statement by President Obama. Below, a tweet…