
Tillerson’s Russian fans

Tillerson is a hit! — John Aravosis (@aravosis) December 14, 2016

Hard Candy Christmas

@WashBlade Hard Candy Christmas: It was a dark and snarky night. #Pizzagate #Pirates — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) December 15, 2016

The attacks on our ally Rep. Ellison

Here are my remarks introducing Rep. Keith Ellison as keynote speaker at the ACLU/NCA Bill of Rights Dinner in April 2013. The attacks on him now that he is running…

Adichie: in dangerous times, holding firm the boundaries of what is right and just

We must resist the slightest extension in the boundaries of what is right and just, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie writes. — The New Yorker (@NewYorker) December 4, 2016 Where…

Trump in an emergency: pulling a Homer

Unlike B.H. Obama and H.R. Clinton, Donald Trump has not done his homework. I am waiting for him to pull a Homer. I prefer not to give him that chance….

Rules of thumb for a dark age

No justice even when it’s caught on tape

To recap, Trump's goons want to lock Hillary up for it's not clear what, but a killer cop caught on tape gets off. — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) December 3, 2016

Oakland's fire chief: "In my career of 30 years, I haven't experienced something of this magnitude"

Oakland's fire chief: "In my career of 30 years, I haven't experienced something of this magnitude" — The New York Times (@nytimes) December 4, 2016

Cristiano Ronaldo Proves He’s the ‘Blue Steel’ of Real Madrid in Shirtless Team Selfie

Cristiano Ronaldo Proves He’s the ‘Blue Steel’ of Real Madrid in Shirtless Team Selfie — Towleroad (@tlrd) December 3, 2016

There Is No "War On Christmas," Unless You Count The Battle For Christian Supremacy

There Is No "War On Christmas," Unless You Count The Battle For Christian Supremacy — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) December 4, 2016 Happy holidays, everyone. I say it that…