Richard Rosendall

The Pope’s TED Talk

Pope Francis gave a surprise TED Talk entitled, “Why the only future worth building includes everyone.” This is a good man. He is also a conservative with whom I have…

A gay character in Guardians of the Galaxy 2?

Director James Gunn suggests that the latest entry in GOTG has a gay character. I don’t really care, the whole thing is idiotic, but Chris Pratt is easy on the…

It Sure Looks Like a Russian Cover-Up

Tick tock.

GLAA anniversary event highlights ‘changing of guard’

Lou Chibbaro writes at the Washington Blade: D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, City Council Chair Phil Mendelson and fellow Council members Jack Evans and Vincent Gray were among the nearly 100…

Eulogy in Paris: ‘You lived like a star, you leave like a star’ Andy Towle writes: Étienne Cardiles, the husband of slain officer Xavier Jugelé, delivered an emotional eulogy outside police headquarters on Tuesday. Jugelé was slain by Karim Cheurfi, a 39-year-old…

Corey Stewart, you’re an idiot!

Who is today’s winner of the “You’re an idiot!” rant from “Six Degrees of Separation,” featuring “The Force Awakens” director J.J. Abrams? Why, none other than Confederate wannabe Corey Stewart,…

Seven Principles for Young Advocates

Below is something I drafted for a group of high school students visiting from the Bronx whom I am meeting this afternoon to talk about GLAA’s work. I also developed…

April 28 – Report Card on Trump’s First 100 Days

FRIDAY 6p ET LIVE SiriusXM Radio Progress 127 #Trump100Days Town Hall | Tune in or join live audience! SiriusXM Politics I plan to attend this event at D.C.’s historic Metropolitan…

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2017

Today is Yom HaShoah. #NeverForget

Richard Grenell as NATO Ambassador?

Jonathan Merritt writes in The Atlantic that President* Trump is reportedly considering naming gay conservative Richard Grenell as his ambassador to NATO. Interestingly, many anti-gay evangelical Christians are not squawking…