
Lady Liberty

“Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning….” Congratulations, Secretary Clinton, on this historic moment.

Obama on the 35th anniversary of HIV/AIDS in America

"Let's rededicate ourselves to ending this epidemic" —@POTUS on the 35th anniversary of HIV/AIDS in America pic.twitter.com/2Ava3xdT15 — The White House (@WhiteHouse) June 5, 2016

Ali: “Why is Jesus white?”

I fell in love with this guy when I was 8. This is one of my favorite clips. Profound defiance delivered in the most amicable tone. His voice was lost…

Barack Obama, Transformer: @POTUS breaks the mold on foreign policy.

@WashBlade Barack Obama, Transformer: @POTUS breaks the mold on foreign policy. https://t.co/o5BwZjwWYv #Hiroshima pic.twitter.com/O8gHL6vzs8 — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) June 1, 2016 My Blade column this week uses the president’s historic…

Obama issues final Pride Month proclamation

Read @POTUS 's final #LGBTQPrideMonth proclamation: https://t.co/FNFToD8GM5 #Obama #Pride pic.twitter.com/gZg7Q7w3Pa — The Advocate (@TheAdvocateMag) June 1, 2016

June 1 – LGBTQ Social Justice and Rights in the District: a community discussion

Please join us at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 1 in the Martin Luther King Library for a community discussion on LGBTQ social justice and rights. It is an interesting…

Obama in Hiroshima

A powerful moment in Hiroshima as our president embraces one of the Hibakusha, a survivor of the atomic blast 71 years ago. My heart soars. I am so proud of…

Jake Tapper Berates Trump for Pushing 'Bizarre, Unfounded Conspiracy Theory'

CNN Anchor Berates Trump for Pushing 'Bizarre, Unfounded Conspiracy Theory' And It's Awesome https://t.co/hhDcwESjCP pic.twitter.com/DaHIOw8enN — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) May 25, 2016 Thank you, Mr. Tapper.

LBJ and Walter Jenkins

In ironic scene, @BryanCranston's #LBJ asks Hoover how he would have known aide Walter Jenkins was gay. #AllTheWay pic.twitter.com/XVWSv1tiUP — MIP @SXMProgress 127 (@MakeItPlain) May 23, 2016 Top LBJ aide…

HRC taps Ted Olson in fight against NC anti-LGBT law

Lawyer who helped take down Prop 8 joins fight against NC's anti-LGBT law https://t.co/HB5gBNJCEq — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) May 18, 2016 The Human Rights Campaign goes the celebrity route again. HRC…