
Furies house, Stonewall site set for historic recognition

Furies house, Stonewall site set for historic recognition https://t.co/2ETkchCsN5 — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) May 4, 2016

The White House is poised to create the first national monument to recognize struggle for gay rights

The White House is poised to create the first national monument to recognize struggle for gay rights https://t.co/4vi05WSscM — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) May 3, 2016

Confessions of a Republican 1964: ‘This man scares me’

Here is the 1964 LBJ campaign ad featuring actor William Bogert, a Republican, expressing his concerns about the extremism of Barry Goldwater. Rachel Maddow had Bogert, now 80, on her…

Sullivan: America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump

America has never been so ripe for tyranny—and that's what is scariest about Trump: https://t.co/LMaYEp4P8J pic.twitter.com/mooDYeQbl7 — New York Magazine (@NYMag) May 2, 2016 Andrew Sullivan has a brilliant essay…

Happy belated deathday, Will!

On this date 400 years ago, William Shakespeare left the beauty of this world https://t.co/3P7JEJpkTW pic.twitter.com/0URnDN6aE3 — The New York Times (@nytimes) April 23, 2016 I duly observed the 400th…

Is the Mona Lisa actually based on Leonardo Da Vinci's gay lover?

Is the Mona Lisa actually based on Leonardo Da Vinci's gay lover? https://t.co/eHVpJyTvIF #LGBTI pic.twitter.com/O7LAq9JEAU — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 21, 2016 Get over it, Mona.

"Don’t Go Away Mad, Just Go?"

@WashBlade "Don’t Go Away Mad, Just Go? Stormy exits only lead into a storm." #Brexit #lgbt https://t.co/IdQyMY7WKc pic.twitter.com/nWeZwJNJM9 — Richard Rosendall (@RickRosendall) April 20, 2016 My Blade column this week…

Trailer: The Birth of a Nation (new film on Nat Turner rebellion)

Can’t wait to see this.

Head of British spying agency apologizes for its treatment of gays

Head of British spying agency apologizes for its treatment of gays https://t.co/k0Gss9e1YX pic.twitter.com/1rcP4coY07 — New York Times World (@nytimesworld) April 17, 2016

Having gay and HIV-positive Greg Louganis on Wheaties box makes 'powerful statement'

Having gay and HIV-positive Greg Louganis on Wheaties box makes 'powerful statement' https://t.co/WhUyONmo1i pic.twitter.com/8yrve6rlOU — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) April 10, 2016