
Macron blasts Putin propaganda, challenges him on gay rights and Syria

Anne Applebaum tweets regarding the joint press conference today by French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Palace of Versailles: Macron attacks RT and Sputnik as…

You haven’t got it

My message for overconfident liberals, from Ben Bradlee by way of Jason Robards, Jr. (who won an Oscar for this role): You haven’t got it. You can pop the champagne…

Robert Mueller named Special Counsel in Russiagate

Rebecca R. Ruiz and Mark Landler report in NYT: The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation…

Is that Nancy Reagan red?

This Time cover is an instant classic. Meanwhile, The Atlantic reports, “Putin Offers to Provide a Transcript”: Vladimir Putin just wants to help. The Russian president offered Wednesday to provide…

Stephen’s monologue is declassified

This farce needs to end. But most Republicans in Congress are still hiding under their desks.

Anderson and Kellyanne, comedy duo from hell

I’ll have an eyeroll with that! Anderson Cooper does a good job of skeptically grilling Kellyanne Conway as she unleashes her usual torrent of brazen, patronizing lies. But what is…

Trump fires the FBI director who is investigating him

On Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey: We have traversed similar territory before. I was 17 and 18 when the Nixon administration was coming apart. I remember where I…

European anthem: Ode to Joy

A 2012 flash mob performance of Ode an die Freude from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 is a perfect expression of the European idea that remains vital this morning. It was…

People of France, tonight she shines for you.

Emmanuel Macron has been elected president of France in a landslide. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tweets: Congratulations, President-elect Macron! Vive la France!

Bill Maher to the liberal purists

Bill Maher is right on target regarding liberal purists who couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Clinton over Trump.