Public Education and Youth

Seven Principles for Young Advocates

Below is something I drafted for a group of high school students visiting from the Bronx whom I am meeting this afternoon to talk about GLAA’s work. I also developed…

Cosby’s books join ‘most challenged’ list

Graham Bowley reports at NYT: Bill Cosby’s “Little Bill” children’s book series was among the 10 “most challenged” books in 2016, according to a list compiled by the American Library…

Fewer guns, more mental health care

Another deadly shooting in San Bernardino, this time in a school, where a woman’s estranged husband went to her workplace to kill her and then himself. He also shot two…

Betsy DeVos wants to ‘advance God’s kingdom’

Why education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos is a dangerous threat to LGBTQ equality — huffpostqueer (@huffpostqueer) January 17, 2017

D.C. city officials launch LGBT youth house

D.C. city officials launch LGBT youth house @SMYALDMV @MayorBowser @DCLGBTQ — Washington Blade (@WashBlade) January 9, 2017 Congrats to SMYAL on this breakthrough.

Church of Scotland minister calls for LGBTI issues to be taught in schools to tackle homophobia

Church of Scotland minister calls for LGBTI issues to be taught in schools to tackle homophobia — GSN (@gaystarnews) January 6, 2017

Trump Picks NOM Donor and Gay Marriage Opponent Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary

Trump Picks NOM Donor and Gay Marriage Opponent Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary — Sean Mandell (@SeanMandell) November 23, 2016 This is not good.

TX Lawmaker Wants To Force Schools To Out LGBT Students To Parents

TX Lawmaker Wants To Force Schools To Out #LGBT Students To Parents #gay #p2 #noh8 — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) November 18, 2016

School Board Asks Supreme Court to Allow It to Continue Discriminating Against Trans Boy

School Board Asks Supreme Court to Allow It to Continue Discriminating Against #Trans Boy — New Civil Rights (@newcivilrights) August 29, 2016

US Supreme Court blocks ruling allowing trans student to use boys' bathroom

US Supreme Court blocks ruling allowing trans student to use boys' bathroom @ACLU @Scotus — Gay Star News (@gaystarnews) August 3, 2016 One more reminder that we are…