Current Affairs

Racial bias and the murder of Philando Castile

O.U.T.R.A.G.E. Without the assumption of black criminality, Philando Castile, a school worker beloved by students, would still be alive. Without dozens of pretextual police stops, the risk of tragedy would…

Lively escapes “crimes against humanity” lawsuit

Nick Duffy reports in PinkNews: Massachusetts hate preacher Scott Lively is one of the world’s most notorious homophobes, and has been linked to anti-gay laws in a number of countries….

7 questions as Trump unravels

Elizabeth Drew’s excellent piece on Trump in The New York Review of Books begins: If Donald Trump leaves office before four years are up, history will likely show the middle…

Trump’s Twitter secret revealed

Unlettered eloquence, as Dr. King said of Mother Pollard. (She said during the Montgomery Bus Boycott, “My feets is tired but my soul is rested.”)

Ariana Grande: “One Love Manchester” benefit finale Ariana Grande closed out her “One Love Manchester” benefit concert Sunday night by singing “Over the Rainbow.” The New York Times reports: The message onstage and in the crowd…

Malaysia holds ‘gay prevention’ video contest

The Guardian reports: The Malaysian government is offering cash prizes of up to 4,000 ringgit (£720) for the best videos explaining how to “prevent” homosexuality, according to a competition launched…

Openly gay Leo Varadkar to become Taoiseach of Ireland

Patrick Maguire writes in NewStatesman about Leo Varadkar, the mixed-race, gay politician who was just elected leader of Fine Gael, Ireland’s center-right governing party, which puts him on course to…

Trump’s fearmongering presages power grab

London Mayor Sadiq Khan assured the public in a BBC interview: “Londoners will see an increased police presence today and over the course of the next few days. There’s no…

Making an honest, unflinching, centrist case for reproductive choice

One reader loves to respond to my columns by email, regardless of the topic under discussion, by calling me genocidal because I support a woman’s right to make her own…

Combating Trump’s poison

The latest commentary by David Brooks in The New York Times is titled, “Donald Trump Poisons the World.” Here is an excerpt: Far from being a band of brothers, [the…