
Holocaust Remembrance Day 2017

Today is Yom HaShoah. #NeverForget

Richard Grenell as NATO Ambassador?

Jonathan Merritt writes in The Atlantic that President* Trump is reportedly considering naming gay conservative Richard Grenell as his ambassador to NATO. Interestingly, many anti-gay evangelical Christians are not squawking…

Out: How to Help Stop Chechnya’s Gay Concentration Camps

The persecution of gay people in Chechnya has only worsened since I wrote about it in my Blade column last week. Hilton Dresden at Out magazine lists several things you…

Trump: NATO Is ‘No Longer Obsolete’

I think I would rather be governed by Nancy Reagan’s astrologer. This is not a stable or steady man.

FBI Obtained FISA Warrant to Monitor Carter Page

WaPo reports: The FBI and the Justice Department obtained the warrant targeting Carter Page’s communications after convincing a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court judge that there was probable cause to believe…

Holocaust Denial Creeps, or Stumbles, into the WH Briefing Room

He actually said even Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons. And it gets worse. I don’t have the stomach to go into it all right now. But dear Mr. Spicer, did…

Olbermann: The Media Fell for Trump’s Syria Stunt

Another good rant from Keith Olbermann. By the way, If you’re looking for a video of the Rose Garden ceremony celebrating the new associate justice occupying a stolen SCOTUS seat,…

Tom Cotton’s imperial delusion

@SenTomCotton tweets: READ my op-ed in the @nytimes “A Strike in Syria Restores Our Credibility in the World” @jfreewright replied: The overblown sense of self plus lack of imagination &…

Same old war profiteering, new music

The cynicism spouted by war profiteer Harry Lime (Orson Welles) in this famous scene from Sir Carol Reed’s The Third Man feels oddly current seven decades later. Set in Vienna’s…

Look, shiny object!

Look, shiny object! Apparently that’s all it takes to make our brains turn to mush. 45’s purported motive of concern for Syrian children is awfully hard to swallow, given his…