Richard Rosendall

This madman has the president’s ear

A small dose of far-right radio host Alex Jones and his ravings should suffice to illustrate the scariness of our situation. POTUS should not be relying on such a person…

Abdullah and Trump: an embarrassing contrast

Go to 6:30 in this clip to skip over 45 and watch the smooth and polished King Abdullah II of Jordan. The contrast is embarrassing. Oh, how I miss 44.

Neil Gorsuch, plagiarist?

(Photo of Neil Gorsuch by Drew Angerer/Getty Images) David Badash writes at The New Civil Rights Movement: Judge Neil Gorsuch appears to have copied portions of another author’s work in…

No one at the helm

We need a president who cares about someone else besides himself, who does not spend all his time boasting and blaming. A president who takes his responsibilities seriously. We do…

Seventh Circuit: Civil Rights Act Protects Gay Workers

Matthew Haag and Niraj Chokshi report in NYT: In a significant victory for gay rights, a federal appeals court in Chicago ruled Tuesday that the 1964 Civil Rights Act protects…

The next face of poverty could be yours

(Photo of William McPherson by Matt Roth/Chicago Tribune) Michelle Singletary Writes in The Washington Post: For this month’s Color of Money Book Club selection, I’ve chosen an essay that explains…

Former D.C. Council member Sharon Ambrose dies

(Photo by James A. Parcell/The Washington Post) Martin Weil reports at The Washington Post: Sharon Ambrose, who served on the D.C. Council for 10 years, died Saturday night at George…

NYT: Chechen authorities arresting and killing gay men

Horrifying news from what might euphemistically be called Russia’s sphere of influence: First, two television reporters vanished. Then a waiter went missing. Over the past week, men ranging in age…

She’s like buttah

The Onion (satire) reports: Expressing concerns about the propriety of being left alone with a syrup container of the opposite sex, Vice President Mike Pence reportedly asked his waiter Thursday…

AU on Transgender Day Of Visibility

Rokia Hassanein of Americans United for Separation of Church and State writes in the Wall of Separation blog: Today is Transgender Day of Visibility – a day dedicated to empowering…