
Racial bias and the murder of Philando Castile

O.U.T.R.A.G.E. Without the assumption of black criminality, Philando Castile, a school worker beloved by students, would still be alive. Without dozens of pretextual police stops, the risk of tragedy would…

Gay Is Good – Frank Kameny In Comics

Panel on using comics to tell history Rick Rosendall, Mattachine Society of Washington Awesome Con Washington Convention Center June 17, 2017 Frank Kameny was a Harvard-trained astronomer and a World…

Lively escapes “crimes against humanity” lawsuit

Nick Duffy reports in PinkNews: Massachusetts hate preacher Scott Lively is one of the world’s most notorious homophobes, and has been linked to anti-gay laws in a number of countries….

7 questions as Trump unravels

Elizabeth Drew’s excellent piece on Trump in The New York Review of Books begins: If Donald Trump leaves office before four years are up, history will likely show the middle…

Making an honest, unflinching, centrist case for reproductive choice

One reader loves to respond to my columns by email, regardless of the topic under discussion, by calling me genocidal because I support a woman’s right to make her own…

Chelsea Manning Returns as Herself

Bay Windows reports: Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning is revealing her new look as a woman, after being freed from a Kansas military prison and a 35-year sentence for leaking classified…

Frank Kameny’s birthday

Happy birthday to the late Frank Kameny, who was an astronomer before he was a gay rights pioneer. He would have been 92 today. Many others followed the course he…

You haven’t got it

My message for overconfident liberals, from Ben Bradlee by way of Jason Robards, Jr. (who won an Oscar for this role): You haven’t got it. You can pop the champagne…

Robert Mueller named Special Counsel in Russiagate

Rebecca R. Ruiz and Mark Landler report in NYT: The Justice Department appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, as special counsel on Wednesday to oversee the investigation…

Is that Nancy Reagan red?

This Time cover is an instant classic. Meanwhile, The Atlantic reports, “Putin Offers to Provide a Transcript”: Vladimir Putin just wants to help. The Russian president offered Wednesday to provide…